Once I dove into the low end of a swimming pool and hit my head.
——超越目标英语 第4册Once AMD enters low end chip market, its share price will get immediate negative effect.
一旦AMD进入低端芯片市场, 其股价将受到间接的负面影响.
互联网Whether to mean low end certainly on the network?
互联网There is a new concept of second - hand parts and software, suitable for low - end models fitted friends.
新概念还有二手配件和软件, 适合装低端机型的朋友.
互联网What criteria should be integrated Zhongguancun High - low end house demand?
互联网Low - end manufacturers stayed open by boosting efficiency, saysArthur Kroeber, head of the Dragonomics consultancy.
低端 制造业仍停留在推进工作效率而盈利的思维上, 龙洲经讯的董事葛艺豪说.
互联网Some low - end systems do not have adequate security nor audit trails.
一些 低端 系统不会有足够的安全性也不会有查账索引.
互联网Local companies focus on passive components or low end components , that will have no rivalry.
互联网Especially these labor form low end industry.
互联网Cluster systems also faced some problems such as low end - user performance, low programmability, and low reliability.
但机群系统也存在实际性能不理想 、 可编程性差和可靠性低等缺点.
互联网But not all low - end jobs are welcomed by Chinese students.
互联网A minicomputer is also known as a midsized or low - end mainframe computer.
互联网It has many applications, which are mainly in the low - end applications.
CMOS射频集成电路有许多的应用, 主要是电路指标要求较低的 低成本 设计.
互联网This is on the low end of the projection only.
互联网This design takes fewer resources and is suitable for low - end security chip.
这种设计占用资源少,适合对速度要求不高的 低端 加密芯片.
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